I've been watching zwarat 5ames and I really liked it. But, I watched the second episode of Laylat eid and I was stunned. I didn't think that it'd be this good! If you still haven't watched it, here's a short summary: Laylat Eid is the story of Lulwa (Fara7) , a teenager who lives with her mother Munira (7ayat il-fahad) and her father and three brothers. They are a poor family who live in Kuwait in the 60's (I think), and Lulwa falls in love with '3anim, the son of a wealthy family that lives nearby. '3anim wants to marry Lulwa but his parents don't want him to. Instead, they make him marry the daughter of another wealthy family. On the day of their wedding, Munira finds out that Lulwa is pregnant with '3anim's daughter! Lulwa's elder brother, Dawood, who was just married was about to kill her if Munira didn't stop him. The acting is great and so is the story. But, after the 5th episode the setting changed and it's based in the current time. Lulwa turns into 7ayat il-fahad (because she's supposed to look like her mother when she's older) and now lives with her brother Dawood and his wife Sara. She is treated kindly be Sara, but is similar to a maid in the house. It's not as good now as it was two episodes ago, so if you're interested in watching it I recommend only watching the first five episodes. Click here to watch the episodes online.

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